Here's a news flash: Employers don't really want to pay for your kid's orthodontia. They don't like the hassle of setting up and funding your retirement plan, and they'd just as soon not live with the worry that you'll leave crumbs in the computer, spill company secrets to a competitor, or sue over some infraction of the labor laws.The article provides great food for thought, including the statement, "there ought to be ways we can make employment a less entangling commitment, without compromising workers' welfare." Unlikely, but certainly thought provoking, especially for those of us who in large part owe our living to the entanglement.
Back To Work - With An Interesting Commentary On the Why of the Jobless Recovery
After a few days at the Hacienda de los Santos, a truly wondrous place for a few days of rest and relaxation, I now have a mountain of email and other work to plow through. But in my beginning scanning I happened on a great quote in Janell Grenier's Benefits Blog from a column in Sunday's Philadelphia Inquirer discussing the reasons for the uneasy foundation for the relationship between employers and employees. The comment that caught my eye: