One of their most recent examples, a federal lawsuit brought by a Harvard University librarian who alleges she has repeatedly been passed over for promotions because she is seen as "just a pretty girl" in "sexy" attire, which went to trial last week, was decided yesterday with the plaintiff losing. Although the publicity buzz came from the "pretty girl" tag line, the legal hook was a race and gender discrimination claim. The New York Lawyer headline, "Pretty Girl" Librarian Loses Suit Against Harvard, pretty well sums it up.
While I agree that discrimination on the basis of looks happens and that creative lawyers will try to stretch existing laws to cover that behavior given half a chance, I don't know that I would go as far as the Atlanta employment lawyer quoted in the AJC article who opined, "These kinds of things are going to gain more attention. This is potentially the next area of significant claims explosions against employers." Well maybe, but not something I am going to lose a lot of sleep over.