Imperial Winter Series Race 3
After I remembered to turn the Garmin on about a lap in, we did 25 miles in a smidgen over an hour. Average 24.7 mph.
Results and report should be here shortly
Legal Update R v Beiu; R v Aydogdu
On 4th November 2011 Mary Bowers, a journalist with The Times, was struck down by a left turning lorry at a light controlled junction very close to her workplace in Wapping. The lorry was being driven by Petre Beiu. The evidence placed before the jury included that Ms Bowers was visible to be seen in front of the lorry for many seconds before he overtook her and turned left across her path; that Mr Beiu was talking on a hands free telephone at the time and that in the aftermath of the collision he jumped out of the cab leaving the handbrake off so that the lorry continued to roll over Ms Bowers. Ms Bowers sustained devastating injuries which are seriously underestimated by describing her brain injury as 'significant'.
The jury decided that Mr Beiu was not guilty of dangerous driving. They convicted him instead of careless driving - an offence which he had accepted, though the Judge had still left the jury with the option of acquitting on that charge as well.
Mr Beiu was fined £2,700 and banned from driving for (just!) 8 months.
On 6th August 2011 Sam Harding was riding his bicycle in a bus lane along Holloway Road. As he passed a parked car, Mr Aydogdu, opened the door (wide according to the prosecution and a crack according to the Defendant) into the path of Mr Harding who hit the door and then was struck by a bus. It transpires that Aydogdu had applied some reflective coating to his side windows which blocked 83% of the light. The jury this afternoon decided that Mr Aydogdu was not guilty of the manslaughter of Mr Harding.
Following on from the case of the Townend brothers, these cases must give rise to concerns over how seriously the average jury considers the obligation not to endanger cyclists. A jury reflects the society from which it is drawn and whilst cycling remains stuck at a modal share of 2% of journeys it is going to be an exceptional jury that contains even one regular cyclist. That should change, if and when the proportion of cyclists on the roads increases. However in rather a catch 22, the number of cyclists on the roads is inhibited by the apparently low value that the legal system appears sometimes to place on the value of the life of a human whilst cycling.
I commented at the time that I considered that the decision in the Townend case was perverse (the jury acquitting the Defendant of even causing death by careless driving); the verdict in the Bowers case is astonishing and to be honest the result in the Harding case was, to me, not unexpected.
In the Harding case it appears to me that tragically a combination of factors combined to result in the tragic outcome. First, Aydogdu's daft decision to coat his windows so as to restrict his ability to see out (and that of others to see in). Second, the pressure that cyclists often feel under to ride too close to the left. In February (after Mr Harding's tragedy) The Times, as a part of its campaign published a 'Guide to Safe Cycling' which included advice to cyclists to look in wingmirrors and windscreens of parked cars to see if anyone in the car might be about to open a door. NO! The correct advice is DO NOT RIDE IN THE DOOR ZONE. If for some extraordinary reason (narrow road, oncoming bus for example) you have to then slow to a walking pace. At the time I advised discarding the Times guide in favour of British Cycling's 'Effective Traffic Riding'. Nonetheless there is definite pressure remaining on cyclists and encouraged by most cycling 'infrastructure' that deters many of us from adopting the safest riding position in the centre of our lane. Third the opening of the car door which must have been done without careful observation even if the jury determined it was not gross negligence. Fourth the bus driver (though exculpated by the prosecution at Aydogdu's trial) should have been holding well back behind a cyclist or ought to have been giving him a car width's space if overtaking. I do not know the detail of the evidence but it seems to me surprising that a cyclist falling into the road would be run over by a bus if best driving practice was being followed. Sadly my experience commuting in London is that very often buses get much much too close. This tragedy illustrates why they (and others) must not do so.
It is important to recognize that the correct charging decisions were taken in each case. The fact of acquittal does not in any sense indicate that the bringing of the charges was not justified. Far too often I have had cause to complain in these pages that the appropriately serious charge was not pursued and it is only right to acknowledge that the police and CPS have been conscientiously doing the right thing in the cases I refer to above.
In the blowing ambiance of the law, to accurate any abridgement of confidence, vulnerability or self-doubt has commonly been admired as weakness. Many women attorneys who were admired as reliable and 100% able al of a sudden acquisition that their charge is challenged (through no accountability of their own) if they alpha a family.
So, what would it yield for you to become the advocate you wish to be?
Refocus on what is absolutely important to you. Build your animation and re-energise.
Action Steps
1. Make a account of aggregate that is important to you about your career. What accept you accomplished over the endure 5 years? What are your strengths and weaknesses? How can you about-face you weaknesses into strengths?
2. What would getting a advocate on your agreement attending like? How would your activity be different? Spend 10 account cerebration and autograph down your goals - short, average and continued appellation
3. Account all the things that are acceptable to block your advance
4. Separate the blocks into those that you can access and those that you cannot
5. Decide to let go of aggregate out of your ascendancy
6. Concentrate and alone use your activity on those things that you can access
7. Commit to demography one baby footfall every day appear your goals
8. Remember to be acknowledged you charge both abstruse and "soft skill" ability
9. Review your advance consistently
10. Enlist the advice of a coach (inside or alfresco your organisation). Use them as a aural lath and cheerleader to activation you on or accord you that added addition if your aplomb dips.
Use these 10 accomplish to become the advocate you wish to be in 2009!
Understanding the Lawyers on Retainer Concept
In this life, humans cannot do after the casework of a acceptable lawyer. Crime happens accustomed about us. Sometimes we acquisition ourselves in attenuate situations that accomplish us ache unfairly. Added claimed affairs such as bankruptcy, absolute estates and mortgage force us to appoint lawyers. In one word, acceptable attorneys are actual imperative. Dealing with attorneys is not a simple thing. Abounding issues apropos hiring attorneys are acute and they appear first. For example, you abounding acquisition yourself hiring attorneys on retainer. These attorneys are not any altered from those you know.
The attorneys alone ask for a accommodation fee so that they can accord you their services. What is a accommodation fee? This blazon of a fee is on alternate basis. It is altered from the accustomed accuse you pay a advocate because of arresting your position in court. They cover the following:
• Consultation fees - Afore you can alpha alive with a accustomed lawyer, you accept to set a few accessories with him or her.
• Analysis plan - After alert to your ancillary of story, your advocate spends some time accomplishing analysis to advice you. You will accept to pay for his or her time.
• Interviews - as the advocate studies your case, you and him or her will attending for accessible witnesses. Then, your advocate has to conduct an account with anniversary witness. Most attorneys wish to accept a pay for their time.
Lawyers on accommodation wish alone to ascertain your calmness in the absolute procedure. That is why they will ask for a specific drop first. When searching for this affectionate of a lawyer, appraise your account first. Most humans admiration to save up money in acknowledged affairs as abundant as possible. You should attending for a cheaper alternate amount lawyer. Some humans do not yield it kindly. However, if you anticipate about it, you put abreast huge amounts of money as down transaction for the assets you love.
If you plan to appoint a advocate about a case accompanying to the aforementioned assets, you should not feel bad if ask to pay a accommodation fee. A accommodation fee is just a baby drop compared to added types you accept paid before. The added you debris to pay the fee, the added you adjournment your justice. Even so, yield your time to baddest a acceptable lawyer. There is a big adventitious that you will array out acceptable attorneys from bad attorneys if you yield your time. When you acquisition a acceptable lawyer, accomplish abiding that all accommodation agreements are in writing.
Then you and your advocate should assurance the document. This is a acceptable way of architecture a accord with the attorney. The certificate should authenticate how the advocate allocates the money through out the acknowledged procedure. You should not plan with any lawyers on retainer if they cannot chase the certificate stipulating your agreements. The best abode to attending for these attorneys is the Internet. Abounding attorneys who could affidavit their ability exist.
Feed Dog Food to All the Lawyers
Have you anytime noticed that Attorneys are not such nice people? It is because they do not reside in the absolute world, but rather a apple of cheat captivated in a façade of absurd words and dribble? Obviously they are not blessed active in this apple and abrading the chrism of association for their own claimed accretion after accouterment any abundance to our blue-blooded acculturation in anyway.
There is apparently not a added dog eat dog apple than the affected apple that advocate reside in. Some say they are the affliction of the affliction and account beneath than a dog turd, while added say that they are alone a all-important angry and allotment of all that is bad with the abuse of the world. I accept a band-aid to acquiesce the attorneys to see the accuracy about who and what they are. Never acquiesce them to eat annihilation but dog aliment during their break actuality on Earth. This is fair as some say they are dogs anyway.
Of advance all the attorneys anticipate they are God? Perhaps they are both appropriate and the attorneys are alone dyslexic and apprehend "Dog" backwards? You apperceive how they accept such a way with words in their alloyed up world. So what alloy of dog aliment should we augment them now that you agree?
Well no faculty in agriculture them science diet or any of the big-ticket being and no allegation to anguish if the meat comes from affliction beasts or those with Mad Cow disease, as we do not allegation them anyhow and may as able-bodied accord them the debris of our society. What do you think? Oh, by the way I am not joking, not one bit and if I were in allegation I would accomplish it law. Trust me! Vote for Lance.
America - By the People, For the Lawyers!
In our founding abstracts it states that the United States of America is a nation congenital by the humans and for the people. Unfortunately a lot of of the laws in our association and acculturation accept been adapted by attorneys and sometimes in a egoistic way. One contemptuous getting in our online anticipate catchbasin stated; "America; By the People, For the Lawyers!"
Of advance anon one of the attorneys in the accumulation labeled him a contemptuous person, which he anon accepted freely. But he said; "just because I'm a carper does not beggarly I am not correct." So the catechism is what do you think? This is an commodity of authentic assessment as you can tell.
Are we still a nation congenital by the humans and for the humans or are we a adapted hybred; getting congenital by the attorneys and for lawyers. If attorneys accomplish our laws and we accept to appoint a advocate to acquaint us what those laws are and again appoint addition advocate if those laws are aback or accidentally torn again who are we absolutely serving; ourselves "The People" or the attorneys to whom we accept to pay money to for admonition on how to reside or run our businesses.
The carper in the accumulation appropriate that in his business, which is a acknowledged architecture firm, he had to alarm his advocate every time he capital to use the aggregation bathroom to accomplish abiding it was okay? Indeed, it has not got that bad yet, but it absolutely could at the present amount in my apprehensive opinion.
I absolutely achievement this commodity is of absorption and that is has propelled thought. The ambition is simple; to advice you in your adventure to be the best in 2007. I acknowledge you for account my abounding online writing on assorted subjects, which absorption you.
Is a Lawyer a Debt Collector, and Should You Sue the Lawyer If You Can When Sued For Debt?
As abounding humans know, aboriginal creditors are advised abnormally than debt collectors. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) applies, by and large, just to debt collectors and gives aboriginal creditors a almost chargeless ride. So area do attorneys fit in? And should you sue them if you can?
Lawyers Can Be Debt Collectors
Lawyers are not adequate beneath the FDCPA. They can be, and as a applied amount the one suing you apparently is, a debt collector. However, if the advocate is apery an aboriginal creditor and acting in its name, he will be advised as an aboriginal creditor. If you are getting sued by a debt collector, affairs are acceptable that the advocate is aswell a debt collector, you can appealing abundant calculation on it. He can be sued for things he does wrong.
Before you go suing the lawyer, though, there are two things you should know: one has to do with your acknowledged rights, and the added is added of a applied consideration.
Respondeat Superior
There is a abstraction in the law that makes humans amenable for the things humans who are acting as their agents do. This is accepted as "respondeat superior." With a few exceptions, an employer is accountable for the accomplishments of an employee. That agency a applicant is amenable for the accomplishments of his or her lawyer. In general, this agency that a debt beneficiary is amenable for annihilation that its advocate does. Or to put it differently, you don't charge to sue the advocate to advance the debt collector.
Should you do it anyway, though?
Tactical Considerations
Whether or not it makes faculty to sue the advocate is not an simple decision. I apperceive you yield the accusation personally-it represents a ample blackmail to your claimed and banking well-being. Naturally you wish to bang back, personally, at the animal getting you see on the added side. The catechism is, though, is this the accommodation a lot of acceptable to accord you the a lot of benefit? Is it a lot of acceptable to could cause them to bead the case and leave you alone?
I don't know. A lot of of the time, the attorneys suing you attention your case from a absolutely business angle attempting to aerate their accumulation and abbreviate the amount of suing you. And abundant of my access to debt action has been to advance that humans accomplishment this business angle by authoritative your case unprofitable. That is almost simple to do, although of advance this isn't consistently enough. If you sue the lawyer, you change her motivation. Then, instead of it getting a alone business decision, you access the claimed stakes for the lawyer. It makes things abhorrent for the lawyer, no doubt, but it aswell motivates them to plan abundant harder in abounding cases. You accept assorted your enemies.
A Final Acknowledged Consideration
If you are suing the lawyer, your affirmation is not absolutely a "counterclaim." Instead, what you would apparently do is acknowledgment beneath the FDCPA adjoin the debt beneficiary and accompany a third-party clothing (within the aforementioned lawsuit) adjoin the lawyer. The argumentation is just alleged a third-party clothing and names the advocate as third-party actor and states your affirmation in the aforementioned way the acknowledgment did. Then the advocate has to be served a summons. None of this is distinctively difficult, but it is time-consuming. Given the ambiguous account of suing the lawyer, I rarely anticipation it was account spending the added time. You'll accept to adjudge what makes faculty to do in your case.
Michigan As a Right to Work State - Random Thoughts
More relevant to the topic of this blog, it would be hard to view this as anything other than a cataclysmic event for organized labor. Unions in the private sector have been on a well documented slide for most of the time I have been practicing law, which goes back to 1975. But suffering a loss in a state that because of the UAW and the car industry is probably most identified as a "union" state on what has always been one of labor's most, if not the most, important issues, right to work, is a message of pending doom of a different magnitude.
The challenge for unions to re-define their message, or maybe more importantly, their mission, which has been obvious for a long time, seems like it has a much shorter time line than ever before.
Although I tend to view this from my background as lawyer who has been involved in labor and employment matters (and clearly much more employment than labor), one of the things that seems to be true is that in many ways, rather than a fight over the merits or non-merits of union representation and whether it should be encouraged or not, the underlying bigger challenge is being made because of union's role as a major force, particularly in the "ground game" of the Democratic party.
Finally, for though those who view union's decline as a good thing, I would remind of the rule of unintended consequences. Which by definition means, one never knows what is going to happen when there are such big structural changes.
Just as an example, on Morning Joe yesterday, Joe Scarborough voiced support for a concept that would surely be anathema to employers (although a real boon to my profession), member only bargaining. When some one pointed out that the union's argument against right to work was the "free rider" argument, where in a right to work state employees in a union facility get the benefits of the union's bargaining efforts without having to pay for them, he said why not let the union negotiate for it's members and they get the pay raises, and those who don't want to be members, don't.
Although I doubt that Joe Scarborough and Charlie Morris, the former SMU labor law professor, have much in common, there could not have been a much better endorsement for Professor Morris' concept he has been pushing for some time now. See Thinking About a Different World Under the NLRA and A "New Spring" in Labor and Employment Law?
And you know that at least some on labor's side may also beginning to think how that or other different approaches might be used to frame a new argument
It will be some time before we know how this all plays out, but for those rejoicing about this latest development and what it seems to imply about organized labor's future, I am reminded of the trite but true statement, be careful what you ask for.
A Month in Absentia and Going Forward
It has been a busy month, with an extended arbitration, a vacation trip and a personal move into a closer in neighborhood. Where, probably unfortunately for my waist-line, there are no less than 10 eating establishments within a 10 minute walk of our new house. And if I am willing to walk 20 minutes, the choices are even much greater! Hopefully the walking will offset some of the eating!
Cycle Super Highway 9. A Response.
I have today had a response from the Head of Transport at the London Borough of Hounslow. I reproduce it below followed by my response:
Sent: 13 December 2012 11:05
To: Martin Porter QC
Subject: RE: Cycle Superhighway 9
Chris Calvi-Freeman
Head of Transport
Regeneration, Economic Development & Environment Department
London Borough of Hounslow
Civic Centre, Lampton Road, Hounslow, TW3 4DN
And my response:
Sent: 13 December 2012 11:59
To: 'Chris Calvi-Freeman'
Subject: RE: Cycle Superhighway 9
Cracking Down on Antiquities Trafficking by Changing Homeland Security's "Seize and Send" Policy
HSI Special Agent-in-Charge James Hayes with Indian idols seized last week. |
This post is researched, written, and published on the blog Cultural Heritage Lawyer Rick St. Hilaire at Text copyrighted 2012 by Ricardo A. St. Hilaire, Attorney & Counselor at Law, PLLC. Any unauthorized reproduction or retransmission of this post is prohibited. CONTACT:
My Response to All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group
I hesitate to publish it since it is a personal response based on my experiences and is intended to cover what I perceive to be a gap in The Times and associated campaigns. Segregation (especially if it comes with the assumption which most would make that the existing streets are for the segregated motorised, and not non-motorised, traffic) cannot it seems to me be the only answer for the foreseeable future. We need a civilising of our streets (and Highways bar Motorways) everywhere so that they are more pleasant and inviting places to cycle.
CTC Magazine Article on Road Rage
I add only the comment that I feel that the reason that it is hard sometimes to resist getting into a counterproductive row with motorists who endanger us when we are on our bikes is that we know that formal come back of the sort that ought to occur either will not happen or will happen at greater cost to us than to the miscreant.
The BBC and 'The War on Britain's Roads'
The shots from helmet camera cyclists has been done before (and I think rather better) on the BBC's One Show back in February 2011, without the false 'them and us' dichotomy which the programme makers took care to emphasise by, for example, filming all cyclists in cycling jerseys.
The positive side of the programme was the portrayal of the courageous way in which Cynthia Barlow, Chair of Roadpeace has worked tirelessly for the last 10 years, since the tragic death of her daughter, first to find out what happened to her and second to minimise the risk that the same happens to others. The work done by her and also Kate Cairns (similarly affected by tragedy) and others would have made great television.
'War on Britain's Roads' has had a gestation longer than an elephant's. I was approached by Leopard Films some 18 months ago and certainly got the impression then that the planned show would be more focussed on road safety. It is almost as though someone has looked at a proposed script at some stage and required it to be spiced up with a lot more focus on the trading of insults. Since happily no punches were thrown, I do not care what happened after the black taxi driver who had cut up a cyclist had stopped and I care nothing for his acknowledgement in subsequent interview that he had overreacted. Having tracked him down I would have liked the filmmakers to ask why he apparently makes a habit of passing cyclists with inches to spare and whether he has any familiarity with rule 163 of the Highway Code. Above all I would like to know whether he acknowledges that even if, by some good fortune, he has yet to run into a cyclist, his behaviour contributes to intimidating would be cyclists off the road. The unfortunate fact is that it suited the program's thesis better to portray the taxidriver and cyclist as two sides of a coin whilst both were standing on tarmac having a row, rather than beforehand when the driver was driving a substantial vehicle badly around vulnerable roadusers and the cyclist was not presenting any danger to anybody.
Sadly many people will take from this programme whatever they like to reinforce their own existing prejudices. My own view is that one group that come over badly are the Police, and particularly the Metropolitan Police.
-Why did Cynthia Barlow have to spend her money on a private investigator to find out what happened to her daughter?
-With all the clips of bad driving shown on that film, why is that only one has resulted in prosecution (and no, the one was not the dreadful tanker on the roundabout)? The black cab driver referred to above was guilty of driving without due care and consideration when he passed cyclists who had nothing to do with his subsequent confrontation. As it is he is left still believing that his driving is acceptable.
- Why did the police not investigate the Bexley assault properly, leaving it to the victims to identify the assailant?
- Why did the Cycle Task Force officer depicted (the one who did not hesitate to thread through a junction against a red light to catch an errant cyclist) allow a taxi driver, who had intimidated a variety of cyclists and passed close enough to have his cab bashed, on his way with reassurance he had done nothing wrong? (I thought the deferential tone adopted with the driver in contrast to the silly patronising 'get a whistle' tone he adopted with the cyclist spoke volumes). Unfortunately, as Sgt Castle of the Task Force explained to me when I met them, they do not believe in taking motorists up on close passes because they regard it as 'too subjective'.
There is no 'war' on the roads in the conventional sense or in the sense that the programme implied, with two sides fighting it out. The death and destruction is all on one side. We do not need 'peacekeepers' to keep the two sides apart. There is however a battle in getting the authorities (who after all encourage us onto two wheels) to do sufficient for our protection. Cycling is reasonably safe but it has an image problem and is often not perceived as safe. I have recently completed my submission to the All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group and have tried to emphasise that there should be a very low level of tolerance towards those who harm, endanger or threaten vulnerable road users.
My Response to DfT Consultation on Increasing HGV Speed Limits
Imperial Winter Series Race 1
A first for me, I turned up on Saturday afternoon to the first race of the Imperial Winter Series as a spectator and to show a bit of support for a novice rider from my club. Places for the 4th cat event sold out indicating that the popularity of the sport continues unabated at a grass roots level even in near freezing temperatures. Encouragingly all rode safely and skilfully even around the final twists leading up to the finish line and all remained upright.
Good therapy for me too to watch such a well organised event. There are still, to my mind, unresolved issues arising from my crash last September but I hope to have made sufficient mental and physical recovery to join in this series shortly (if I can secure a place!)
10 Questions That Will Establish The Lawyer Is The Right One!
Hiring a advocate can be according to award an alternating body or conscience. The advocate accept to not just be able or competent but affliction about what happens to you. Just because x,y, or z was the greatest advocate for ancestors or accompany does not beggarly that they will be acceptable for you.
The important affair is to do your appointment and acquisition out which attorneys in your breadth handle cases or acknowledged plan like castigation and what their success amount is. The next footfall in to set up accessories with at atomic 3-4 attorneys from your list.
When you accommodated with the advocate accumulate a book accessible with a absolute agenda on your botheration that needs acknowledged help. Ask the attorneys appointment whether they would like you to forward the book a day or two advanced so that the advocate will go through the book afore the meeting.
According to experts you accept to go armed with a account of questions to ask the lawyer. Based on the answers you get you will be able to adjudicator whether or not the advocate is the "perfect one."
Ideally you accept to sit down and bread questions that affect to the acknowledged plan you charge done, a part of the questions are the afterward 10 important ones:
1. How abounding cases or files accept you handled agnate to mine?
2. How continued accept you been practicing law and area did you authorize from?
3. What is your aboveboard assessment on my file? Any advocate who gives acutely absolute aftereffect promises is to be avoided. A alive advocate will explain the pros and cons of your book and announce what he thinks will happen.
4. Do you anticipate we should book a case? Or are there added options? Any able advocate will be added than accommodating to advance another means to breach problems.
5. Ask about costs of acknowledged plan forth with breach up. Most able attorneys will accord you an almost appraisal and explain that costs may amplify depending on how the case progresses.
6. Ask about how agnate cases progressed and counterbalance how honest the acknowledgment is. Any advocate account his alkali will not acrylic just a aflush picture.
7. Enquire how plan is agitated out and what the client-lawyer blueprint will be. You accept to accept how the advocate will accumulate you in the bend and how continued the acknowledged action is acceptable to take.
8. Ask whether the acknowledged plan will be handled by the advocate alone of by assistants.
9. How do you commonly proceed, aggressively, unyieldingly, or passively? And do you consistently put the client's absorption advanced of yours?
10. If the case requires out of boondocks visits will you go yourself or appoint bounded lawyers? This is important as alone the advocate will apperceive the intricacies of the case and not any new being just appointed for the day or appearance. Remember a angle in will not yield abysmal constant interest, he or she will just do what is asked of them.
Before hiring a advocate you charge to be abiding he or she is the appropriate one and will see the case or plan to completion.
Cycle Superhighway 9. My observations.
An example of the plans is here
I have written to the Highways Officers at Hounslow as follows:
New Allegations Raised in Sotheby's Forfeiture Case: Cambodian Statue Stolen in 1972 - Trafficked through Thailand with Head Removed - Scientist Fired [UPDATED]
The government's case is an attempt to seize, forfeit, and repatriate a statue (the so-called Defendant in rem) offered for auction by Sotheby's this past spring. Sotheby's and Decia Ruspoli di Poggio Suasa are the claimants who want the Duryodhana sculpture to remain under their legal control. Both claimants have vigorously contested the civil forfeiture action.
Federal lawyers, in their memorandum asking the court to accept the amended complaint, write that "[at the September 2012 hearing] the Court repeatedly inquired as to the facts the Government expected to be able to prove at trial with respect to the theft of the Defendant in rem from Prasat Chen, and Sotheby's knowledge that the Defendant in rem was stolen." The proposed amended complaint and the supporting memorandum filed on November 9 contain the government's response to the court's inquiry, supplementing information provided by prosecutors in their initial April 2012 court complaint.
![]() |
The Duryodhana is alleged by prosecutors to have passed through Bangkok (above). |
[Author's sidebar: A companion statue to the Duryodhana, a Bhima sculpture, has been identified at the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena, California. Meanwhile, two other related statues are reportedly located at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. See e.g., PRI's The World.]
The government's memorandum further avers that the "Amended Complaint ... alleges additional facts regarding Sotheby's knowledge that the Defendant in rem was stolen. Among other things, the Amended Complaint alleges that (1) Sotheby's and Ruspoli were aware that the Collector had been the seller of the Defendant in rem in 1975; (2) that Sotheby's consulted with the Collector prior to the importation of the Defendant in rem and throughout the 2010-2011 sale process; (3) that Sotheby's never included information about the Collector's pre-1975 acquisition of the Defendant in rem, or his role as the seller in 1975, in the provenance information it disclosed to the public, potential buyers, the Kingdom of Cambodia, or United States law enforcement; and (4) Sotheby's provided inaccurate provenance information to potential buyers, the Kingdom of Cambodia, United States law enforcement, and others, specifically that the Defendant in rem had been seen in the United Kingdom in the late 1960s, at least three years prior to its actual removal from Prasat Chen. (Am. Compl. ¶ ¶ 21, 29-30, 37, 43-44.)"
The proposed amended complaint specifically claims that "in or around 1974, representatives of [a United Kingdom] Auction House conspired with the Collector and the Thai Dealer to fraudulently obtain export licenses for the Defendant in rem and other antiquities to be shipped to the Auction House in the future." The proposed complaint asserts that "prospective buyers were unwilling to purchase the Defendant in rem due to its lack of legitimate provenance and missing feet. The Auction House, however, ultimately succeeded in selling the Defendant in rem in 1975, with the torso and head now reattached, to a Belgian businessman, on behalf of a Belgian corporation he controlled. After a transfer to a second corporation, and the death of the businessman, the Defendant in rem was ultimately transferred to his widow, Decia Ruspoli di Poggio Suasa (“Ruspoli”), in 2000."
The amended complaint continues with allegations that an officer in Sotheby's Indian and Southeast Asian Art section "retained a[] professional art scientist (the 'Scientist') to prepare a report on the authenticity of the head of the Defendant in rem and the condition of the work done prior to the 1975 sale to rejoin it to the torso. The Officer informed the Scientist that the head had been separated from the torso 'in antiquity,' rather than in 1972." The proposed complaint cites an internal Sotheby's email that purports to describe the scientist's observation regarding "the perfect condition of the head compared to the distress suffered by the body." The email allegedly offers the scientist's explanation "that the sculpture was either forcibly broken for ease of transport from the find site and then put back together later OR that the head and torso do not belong together." The government writes that Sotheby's later"terminated the Scientist's engagement."
The government also alleges that Sotheby's agreed to contact the Cambodian government about the sale of the sculpture but advised that "this communication should not come from the senior Sotheby's officer" so as not to attract attention.
The claimant's will have an opportunity to respond to the pleadings filed by the U.S. Attorney's Office.
UPDATE 11/15/2012
The New York Times reports that Sotheby's denies the claims made by federal attorneys.
The news outlet also writes, "Prosecutors say that in 2010, when the statue was being imported into the United States, the owner submitted an inaccurate affidavit to American customs officials, at Sotheby’s request, stating the statue was 'not cultural property' belonging to a religious site." This statement has prompted some confusion in the blogosphere, which is important to address here.
By way of background, federal prosecutors allege in both their original complaint and their proposed amended complaint the following:
"In or about late April 2010, Sotheby’s imported the Defendant in rem into the United States in order to offer it for sale at auction. In the commercial invoice prepared in connection with the importation, the Defendant in rem is identified as a 10th Century 'Khmer stone guardian' from Cambodia. The Defendant in rem arrived at JFK Airport on or about April 23, 2010.
"On or about April 26, 2010, at the request of Sotheby's, Ruspoli executed an affidavit that was submitted to United States Customs and Border Protection stating, among other things, '[t]o the best of my knowledge, the [Defendant in rem] is not cultural property documented as appertaining to the inventory of a museum or religious or secular monument or similar institution in Cambodia.'"
This information is not new to the proposed amended complaint. But some readers may have thought otherwise, given that the latest news in the forfeiture case is the government's petition to file a newly amended complaint. The New York Times story did not report that prosecutors petitioned to file a new complaint.
Meanwhile, The New York Times' description of the Ruspoli affidavit differs from what is reported by federal prosecutors in their proposed complaint quoted above. The newspaper's truncated description may have opened speculation that federal prosecutors might be attempting to build their forfeiture case on the basis of false statements made to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. But government lawyers thus far have not presented this argument either in their initial complaint nor in the proposed amended complaint.
Of the several legal grounds on which prosecutors seek forfeiture of the Cambodian sculpture, none is based on the contention that anyone entered false information on customs paperwork in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 542. That federal statute prohibits the import of goods by means of false statements, and that statute can serve as the basis for a forfeiture of illegally imported goods as it did in the famous case of United States v. An Antique Platter of Gold. While the government intends to support its forfeiture case by referencing the Ruspoli affidavit, it has not argued clearly how the affidavit should be weighed by the court. Prosecutors have been careful to not explicitly characterize the Ruspoli affidavit as either false or true. The government, nevertheless, strongly implies that the affidavit in some way supports its legal theory of forfeiture of the Duryodhana statue, but not under 18 U.S.C. § 542.
A final observation. Federal prosecutors are likely aware that the language contained in the Ruspoli affidavit parrots the Cultural Property Implementation Act (CPIA) at 19 USC § 2607, which states, "No article of cultural property documented as appertaining to the inventory of a museum or religious or secular public monument or similar institution in any State Party [to the 1970 UNESCO Convention on cultural property] which is stolen from such institution after the effective date of this chapter, or after the date of entry into force of the Convention for the State Party, may be imported into the United States." It is important to observe that the government does not argue forfeiture of the Cambodian statue based on a CPIA violation.
This post is researched, written, and published on the blog Cultural Heritage Lawyer Rick St. Hilaire at Text copyrighted 2012 by Ricardo A. St. Hilaire, Attorney & Counselor at Law, PLLC. Any unauthorized reproduction or retransmission of this post is prohibited. CONTACT: