The tragic devastating injuries sustained by the Times journalist, Mary Bowers, last November has at last got a major national newspaper interested in this important topic. It is such a pity that a tragedy of these dimensions is required so close to home before editors focus on what has long been a pressing issue. Too late for Mary Bowers, and for countless others, but nonetheless the Times's campaign has to be warmly welcomed as long overdue.
It is in the nature of things that The Times has launched its own campaign, but it must not be forgotten that others have been campaigning hard for years with insufficient coverage in the national press. Chief amongst these is Kate Cairns, whose sister Eilidh was crushed under the wheels of a lorry at Notting Hill in February 2009. Readers of this blog will know that Kate has been campaigning hard in Westminster and Europe for the mandatory fitting of proper protective equipment to lorries and for the proper investigation of the deaths of cyclists on the road.
The three year anniversary of Eilidh's death is being marked by a ride at Notting Hill at 2pm this Sunday 5th February and by the launch of the 'See Me, Save Me' website. Be there if you can.
details here