Although there have been lots of articles recently about blogging and work, that subject seemed covered well by others, for e.g. check out this article in George's Employment Blog, but this note in beSpacific, Medical Record Privacy Breach Controversy Involving Blog, caught my eye. And so did the original story detailing a dispute between one of the larger healthcare providers, Kaiser Permanente and one of its former employees over who posted private healthcare information on the web. The self styled, Diva of the Disgruntled, claims they did and she just pointed out the mistake after complaining to appropriate officials. But from the article, 140 Kaiser patients' private data put online on the website, it sounds as if the ex-employee is going to have some serious explaining to do, even if she is right that KP goofed first.
All those HIPAA penalties, including criminal ones, you have been hearing (and forgetting) about -- may come into action here. And somehow, I don't think her self description is apt to play too well to a jury if it should come to that.
All those HIPAA penalties, including criminal ones, you have been hearing (and forgetting) about -- may come into action here. And somehow, I don't think her self description is apt to play too well to a jury if it should come to that.