When you compare our most recent EEOC charge statistics with the Gallup data, we find that a far greater percentage of Hispanics and Asians perceive themselves to be discriminated against than actually file charges. Through the continuation of strong enforcement and targeted outreach and education, the EEOC is striving to ensure that the promise of the Civil Rights Act of 40 years ago will continue to be fulfilled for succeeding generations of American workers.According to the EEOC there were just over 75,000 charges filed in the year which ended September 30th - 61% under Title VII, 20% under the ADA and 18% under the ADEA.
Race discrimination was about 36% of all charges, sex discrimination 31%, retaliation about 29% and national origin about 11%. No figures were released on religious discrimination charges, which based on anecdotal evidence one would have thought might have shown a substantial increase.