Along the way, Judge Easterbrook makes a few common sense points -- the kind everyone knows, but not always said:
about project agreements -- As a practical matter such agreements can
be achieved only by employers that recognize and bargain with labor unions.
conditional funding as a regulation --The question “is a condition on the receipt of a grant a form of regulation?” comes up frequently, and the answer almost always is negative.
effects of a subsidy -- The lure of a subsidy may lead firms at the margin to reach labor agreements.
reason for the subsidy -- If (as seems likely) Illinois has taken the approach in this law because state officials want to assist organized labor as well as the farmers who supply the grain to be made into ethanol and the owners of ethanol plants, that is neither a surprise nor a reason for invalidity...
why government projects cost so much - - Many a public project is bigger or more expensive than it need be, in order to enlist the support of multiple interest groups.Refreshing to hear common sense. It would be even better to hear it from members of the other two branches of government.