meet periodically with a monitoring physician; meet with [certain medical officers] upon demand....take mandatory vacations; limit the time he was on call; participate in therapy; take prescribed medications and refrain from taking unprescribed medications; consume no more than three glasses of wine per week; submit to random biological fluid collection; submit to . . . mental, physical or medical competency examinations demanded of him; limit traveling; release all medical or other personal information relevant to his impairment; submit to review of 100% of his surgical cases for a period of six months from the date of reinstatement; and submit a formal proctorship of his clinic and hospital practice.was still not an employee for purposes of his ADA and Rehabilitation Act claims. Wojewski v. Rapid City Regional Hospital, Inc. (8th Cir. 6/9/06) [pdf].
M.D. Not An Employee for ADA Purposes
A bi-polar physician who retained his hospital privileges only after agreeing to the following restrictions: