These recent moves should be wake up calls to law firms with high profile lawyer bloggers. Many of your high paid marketing and PR people have not a clue about the power of blogging and the marketing value of these blogging lawyers.From Kevin O'Keefe's post, How does a law firm value a blogger?.
Not only are such lawyers a source for new work, but they can also bring the firm into this century when it comes to effective Internet marketing by being a mentor to other lawyers learning to blog. Don't appreciate what these bloggers are bringing to the firm and you are going to lose them, their rainmaking and much more.
Or maybe on 2nd thought, I am better sticking with the approach outlined in my initial (and come to think of it, only) press interview on blogging:
"I've been careful not to do anything very far out," concedes Fox. It shows. Only one visitor to Fox's site has posted a comment. Fox says he is "still trying it out," and hasn't formally alerted anyone to the site.From's November 7, 2002 article by Matt Fleischer-Black, A Discreet Bullhorn.